Ciao Melanie! Did you include this on the Prompt's Mr. Linky? This is a fantastic shadorma and so fitting for the photo prompt, and much happier than my own write I'm pleased to say ... if it's not linked directly to my prompt, I don't see it until I do my round-up on Saturday, so it's only by good fortune that I tread this today! Loved this one and like how you closed it with the tilus! Very well done!
Ciao Melanie! Did you include this on the Prompt's Mr. Linky? This is a fantastic shadorma and so fitting for the photo prompt, and much happier than my own write I'm pleased to say ... if it's not linked directly to my prompt, I don't see it until I do my round-up on Saturday, so it's only by good fortune that I tread this today! Loved this one and like how you closed it with the tilus! Very well done!